Hey folks,
In case you missed it, I did a couple of podcasts recently.
The first was with Mahon McCann, where we discuss the biological basis of human values, how to understand value judgements without the two worlds mythology, and my essay series’ on Nietzsche and Maps of Meaning.
Here’s that:
The other one was with John Vervaeke. We mainly discuss the two essays I wrote about the relation between Jordan Peterson’s meta-mythology, John’s ideas about relevance realization, and the scientific study of consciousness (the essays are here and here). At about the 18:15 mark, John put forward a very interesting idea about the opponent processing between tragic myths and heroic myths that I will be chewing on for a while.
Here’s that one:
I have a long essay in the works that will be coming out in the next week or so. After that, I will be taking a break before writing my next post (maybe 2-4 weeks at the most) because I have to finish writing my thesis. I’ll share some of the insights from that project when we’re done with it.
All the best,
A good contribution to the awakening cause Brett, especially from the continuous Cosmos perspective that seems to have inspired the intuitive storytelling of our Wisest ancestors, in the cause of affecting memory? That temporal veil we cast before our eyes to imagine our cognitive map, is the territory? Looking forward to your continued collaboration with professor Vervaeke.